Vengeance Mastering Suite - Multiband Compressor / Overview

FX Bundle

This multiband compressor plugin is your perfect choice for a punchy, loud but yet dynamic mix; you may also use it to create unique effects elevating your sound to a completely different level! Choose from 1 to 4 band mode, experience the high quality filters from 6 to 96 db without any phasing issues, use up to 4 independent compressors and limiters, get to know why the New York Compression is so famous and precious ... and so much more!



  • VST / PC & Intel Mac & Apple Silicon VST / AU & RTAS/AAX - runs in all compatible hosts
  • you can choose between 1 band, 2, 3 or 4 band mode
  • high quality filter models, from 6db to 96db - without any phasing issues!
  • up to 4 independent compressors (one per selected band)
  • hard-/softknee mode, optional autogain, optional autorelease for every compressor
  • graphical Ratio/Treshold curve display
  • up to 4 limiters (one for each band) 1 mastering limiter (sum), also with autorelease
  • New York Compression: MIX knob, to bring back some original dynamic!
  • live waveform scopes for every channel
  • realtime FFT analyzer (in-/output overlay to compare dry and wet signals)
  • unique new feature: the "DPC" (dynamic pattern compressor)
  • anti distortion filters for ultra-short releasetimes
  • many cool presets included: ranging from complete masterings to special fx
  • all parameters are automatable (host)

our installer contains:
- 64Bit versions
- VST2 and VST3 versions
- AU version
- AAX version
Pentium III 800Mhz
Windows Vista/Win7/Win8
VST 2.4 compliant host

IntelMac 1.5Ghz
Apple Silicon
Mac OSX 10.9
VST 2.4 or AU compliant host
no Power Mac supported