Vengeance Producer Suite - Essential FX Bundle 1 / Overview

FX Bundle

This massive effects bundle contains 15 (!) unique effects from Vengeance-Sound. These little helpers will become indispensable in your production environment. The unbeatable price makes this a no brainer (6.60€/plugin)


contained effects:

  • Impulse (impulse response reverb with zero latency and many Reverb impulses)
  • Bitcrusher (heavily used in modern dance styles)
  • Delay (with Pattern modes, PingPong, tape effects etc...)
  • Flanger (with stereo spread, high feedbacks etc...)
  • Chorus (nice warm and thick chorus)
  • Phaser (nice phaser with up to 12 stages and stereo seperation)
  • Multi Mod (aggressive FM & Ring Modulation, Autopan)
  • Trash Verb (can sound ugly as hell, but also really sweet)
  • Gated Reverb (syncable to note times, famous effect)
  • Clip Distortion (simple but effective, great for Hardstyle)
  • Multiband Distortion (3 Band distortion unit)
  • Stereo Matrix (with M/S Matrix function)
  • Limiter (distortion-free brick wall limiter)
  • Compressor (with selectable autogain feature)
  • Equalizer (4band parametric with hi/low shelves and hi/low cut)



  • VST / PC, Intel Mac & Apple Silicon VST / AU & AAX - runs in all compatible hosts
  • 64 Bit and VST3 standard
  • 15 Plugins in one big Bundle
  • impulse reverb comes with over 60 first class impulse responses
  • every plugin has a built in limiter (you can turn it off if you want)
  • essential tools for every situation
  • dynamics: EQ, Limiter, Compressor, Clip Distortion, Multiband Distortion
  • modulation: Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, MultiMod (FM, RingMod and Autopan!)
  • delay and reverb: Delay, Trashverb, GatedReverb, Impulse (Impulse Response Reverb)
  • special fx: Bitcrusher, Stereo Matrix (m/s manipulation)
  • unbeatable price: 6,60€ per plugin
  • many cool presets included, optimized for modern club music by Manuel Schleis
  • all parameters are automatable (host)
  • a big and smooth Mix knob is the center of every plugin

our installer contains:
- 64Bit versions
- VST2 and VST3 versions
- AU version
- AAX version
Pentium III 800Mhz
Windows Vista/Win7/Win8
VST 2.4 compliant host

IntelMac 1.5Ghz
Apple Silicon
Mac OSX 10.9
VST 2.4 or AU compliant host
no Power Mac supported